Thursday, November 20, 2008

Some say...

They say Waterworld is one of the worst places you can possibly think of when you want to swim.. well.. Yeah~
But.... Yesterday i just went there anyways cuz i got an invite from Toh khiing (Tall Guy) to go swim there.. Naturally rotting at home was an option too obvious, but i thought: "why waste wastes?" and so i went. One of the most obvious reasons Waterworld Sucks bad, is becuz of the hygiene standard there.. What Hygiene?? you might ask yourself.. well.. if you count having Algae thriving at the bottom of your feet when you swim fun, then that's a place for you.. but i like my pools sparkling clean & shiny, thank you. The Other reason? you don't have much things to do but slide slide slide~ It's an amazing feeling to go from a high-speed thrill of speed sliding to a total stop...It's just satisfying when your friend stops halfway in the slide while your looking at him..or her. The other attraction is the vertical slide.. it makes you plunge at an angle of around 30 degrees.. Be warned, when attempting pleasure at this type of slide.. thou shall always wear non-loose fitting clothes.. or you might as well just go and slide naked, cuz they'll come off anyway. It's fascinating actually, that i DID have fun there.. guess the company of friends makes it better. well.. don't really know them.. but it was fun! I wouldn't mind going again.. hehehehe~ we also had a game of "catch" A.K.A. Ice & Fire.. This is how it goes.. one or a few people take the role of being the ICE, their job is to capture those who are the FIRE. Once those who are the FIRE get caught, they can't move (hence the name ICE). The fortunate thing is that those being captured can get into the game again once their "FIRE" friends rescue them.. It's Basically a Tag game someone made complicated.. at least in terms of explaining. We had quite a lot of fun in that.. since there were so many of us.. "the more the merrier" --.O In the end, after about two hours of finger softening algae infesting fun, it was time to ciao.. Got to Toh Khiing's house and from there on i got on a game of Call Of Duty4 (currently one of the most popular first-person shooters out there) *typical guy stuff* And at 8pm, the dance practice/choreography starts. By then everyone was laughing endlessly when there wasn't anything to laugh about when we started.. guess swimming has it's side effects~ Finally we ended that day's practice with a final dance check. Or whatever you call it.. Went home feeling happy and completely satisfied with everything done that day.. Hoping we'd do that again~

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