Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tasks Tasks Tasks...

You know it's rather annoying when you have to do like.. so much.. ahh..
Especially when it's not one single thing like homework, but rather a whole bunch of different things.. ouch.

For one, I'm the class monitor (it means i MONITOR the class). Boring and lame, i know. But it's task loaded too. or at least i think it is. But unlike all the other class monitors, I happen to take the job for the 'bendahari'. Just because she's not good in communicating with the people in class. Yeah.. she talks to the Chinese.. but not all.. let alone the others. So i basically help her ask for money.. *yay*

Then there's the Seekers club. The teacher in charge of all the curricular activities (note that he has limited thinking skill), has parted form 4s from the form 5s which means we practically lose much our guidance from the seniors, not to mention assets and personel we that previously assisted us in both the ministry and service. Right now they would come find me and ask if i can play the guitar.. or sing.. or.. well.. maybe preach or prepare bible teachings.. i'm not ready for that. At least not at this time where dancing and volleyball has kept me pinned and i like it. O.o

The other things though.. are more of personal 'to-do-things'. Like drawing people's names or designing shirts.. or simply unconsciously promising people i'll help them write their name with tribal designs and creative artwork. Why did i do that?!

With all these around, i can't even afford leisure~ *looks at swimming pool* but at least two things that keep me occupied are more of things that i have passion for and enjoy doing. Someone's gonna destroy the fun sooner or later anyway: like giving me another new task. %$#!@!!

Thank God this year has given me time to recover from crap. Though it has given me more burden than any since the start of the year, I believe i'll make it though. As i always have been.

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